by MT Tchendji · 2019 · Cited by 4 — As for XML documents, an exact structural query Q can also be represented by a tree Q=(Nq,Eq) in which Nq is a set of labelled nodes, Eq a set of ...
{QUERY}q E's
by D Metzler · 2007 · Cited by 280 — Given a query Q, a relevance model is a multinomial dis- tribution ... equation can be interpreted as measuring how well Q and E account for .... by Y He · 2016 · Cited by 29 — Suppose we want to compute the positive similarity of a1 = “date of birth” and a2 = “dob”. Let entity e = “abraham lincoln”, then the two e+a queries are q(e, a1) = { .... Jun 28, 2021 — required to reformat or expand user queries to generate a. satisfactory response and increase recall and precision. Query. expansion (QE) is a .... by E WONG · 1982 · Cited by 132 — Now, consider a query of the form. Q: Find F[ f(e)] for all e E f-'(A) where A is a specified set in V, and F is a specified function: V + V'. A typical example for F is a .... by T Bairavi — Recall that a joint top-k spatial keyword query Q consists of a set of sub queries qi. The. LOOPING ... e.λ) between the query qi and the element e. The algorithm .... by Y Tang · Cited by 3 — Existing studies on processing the continuous skyline query focus exclusively on static ... Assume that a moving object is identified as q(m, e, ) in grid g, where n .... by S Faber · Cited by 156 — remote server E in encrypted form and later allows multiple clients to access the data via ... executed by the data owner D on the cleartext client's query q, with a .... 1 ≤ E ≤ N for all queries. All employees will have Bob as their boss. Output Format. For each "Q E" query, output the sum of expertise values of all the .... by D Pual · 2019 · Cited by 5 — Given a stream S and a time span parameter τ, we define the following queries: 1) POINT QUERY q(e, t, τ) reports the burstiness of an event e at .... by A Dobra · Cited by 2 — the join-graph model of the input query Q, since this will allow for a smoother transition ... Aj,Rk.Al,Q >, the three components of e's label triple can be obtained.. the query q, then e can be pruned. Thereby, self-pruning approaches do not usually consider other entries (database points or index nodes) in order to estimate .... the query performance, which is usually correlated with QE's effectiveness (Amati et al., 2004; Carpineto et al., 2002; He and. Ounis, 2009b). All these previous .... by S Mazumder · 2019 · Cited by 17 — Given a query q involving unknown query entity e and/or relation r, CILK has to ask the user to provide supporting facts to learn embeddings of e and r in order to .... by M Li · 2007 · Cited by 7 — and monitor PNO constraints in parallel with the query-driven pattern retrieval. Fi- ... evolution of p in Prefix(E) is denoted as ⇒(p, q, E) while the corresponding ... 4f4a45da30 21
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